Disease Risk / Wellness Score
A wellness score is used to provide an assessment of your overall health by evaluating risk factors and current wellness.
Your wellness score is a comprehensive assessment of your overall health based on a number of different factors. Based on data gathered from your test, our wellness score details the progress you have made, as well as the risk of developing certain diseases.
What is a wellness score?
A wellness score is a personalised metric that is used to measure your overall well-being. It takes a number of different factors into account to give you insight into your risk of developing certain diseases, as well as the progress you have made by following our recommendations.
What can a wellness score tell you?
A wellness score can provide you with a broader insight into your health. This score has been designed to be an easy reference point to see how your general health and well-being are doing.
Can you improve your wellness score?
Yes, you can definitely improve your wellness score. Your wellness score can improve or get worse over time based on your overall health. By following the recommendations given to you by Vivere you can significantly improve your wellness score.
Scott Weaver
Medical Content Writer